I Did It! Inspired By TCR. Angel's Story

We are so excited to dive into our newest initiative, I DID IT, inspired by Tino Cochino Radio. This allows us to celebrate YOU and your wins!

To kick things off, we are celebrating Angel Jimenez who is the first in his family to graduate college! Angel had to mature at a super young age, at 8 years old he was helping his mother take care of two younger siblings and himself. He grew up seeing his family struggle and knew he needed to do more. He knew the only way to get there, was to get his education and set himself on the right path for a successful future.

There were plenty of times Angel wanted to quit and not finish. Many tears and many failed exams. But through everything, he kept going. And 8.5 years after starting, he finally graduated with his bachelor's degree from the University of Arizona!! Congrats Angel, you did it!

Check out our conversation with Angel here.

If you want to be featured as part of I Did It, be sure to share your accomplishments with us! Tag us on Instagram and use #IDidItTCR so we can find you!

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