Celebrating Your Birthday During Quarantine

We all know it's a hard to live your best life while we are all stuck at home quarantined because of COVID-19. And if your birthday is around this time, you're probably super bummed you have to stay home instead of going out to celebrate. But don't worry, we collected some ideas on things you can do to celebrate while you're stuck at home.

You may not be able to leave home and meet up with your friends, but luckily, technology is so advanced that we can FaceTime! Get a FaceTime party going with some of your close friends or family so you still feel connected, which is extremely important. Maybe even do a stream party and watch a movie or show at the same time with your friends virtually.

Another great way to celebrate your birthday at home is to get connected with yourself! Maybe put together and have a creative photoshoot. You have access to your entire closet with a ton of clothes you probably haven't worn in forever. Get creative, get dressed up, take some pictures and just feel good about yourself!

Other things you can do is get in touch with your creativity, do some painting, arts & crafts, gardening, throw yourself a dance party! There is still so much you can do. The important thing is to do SOMETHING! It is still a special day and you shouldn't feel alone or down during this wild time.

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