San Francisco Proposes New 'CAREN' Act

San Francisco law makers have proposed the new CAREN Act. CAREN, standing for 'Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies'. This comes as a result of the huge Black Lives Matter movement that has been going on.

One of the viral situations was a woman in Central Park who was being recorded because she was yelling at a black man who asked her to leash her dog. She threatened to call 9-1-1 and say that her life was being threatened by a black man. This act would criminalize emergency calls with the intent of discrimination.

In addition, the name "Karen" has taken on a new meaning in society recently. According to Urban Dictionary, Karen, "is a Middle aged woman, typically blonde, makes solutions to others' problems an inconvenience to her although she isn't even remotely affected." So the simple fact that this act is titled, CAREN, definitely has people noticing the double meaning.

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