Photo: Kennedy News/Des Begeman
Anyone who has been on a safari would agree that you never know what you might see during it since animals in the wild are totally unpredictable. You could witness a lion killing its prey, or you might get chased down by an elephant, or perhaps you'll be treated to the antics of some cute creatures. However, what Toelie Bernard and her sister, Des Begeman, photographed on their safari has never before been seen.
The pair were part of a group checking out the wildlife in South Africa's Kruger National Park when they came across three huge lions. Toelie attempted to film the animals but in her excitement, hit too many buttons on her phone causing it to freeze. Thankfully, Des, sitting next to her in the car, was a little more graceful and did get some pictures of the lion, but when she looked at the shots she was shocked to see that the lion actually had a leopard's face.
Photo: Kennedy News/Des Begeman
Of course, she didn't just stumble upon some new kind of big cat species. What happened was the reflection of her leopard print shirt in the car window perfectly lined up with the lion's face as she took her picture, causing the optical illusion of a lion-leopard creature.
Toelie shared the image on Facebook, adding that that as they drove on, they saw two female lions and their four cubs all munching away on a fresh kill, which the males they had encountered had all eaten from already. A hyena stood nearby waiting for leftovers, as did a jackal and some vultures in a nearby tree.