This Is Arizona's Favorite Halloween Candy for 2022

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It's that time of year again when you fill up on Halloween candy until you get sick. But which candy are you reaching for this Halloween?

Candy Store conducted a study to determine each state's favorite Halloween candy. The website states, "To help you get the right candy, we gathered 15 years of data for this map of 2022's Most Popular Halloween Candy in the US by state."

Can you guess which candy is Arizona's favorite?

According to the study it's Hershey Kisses. Coming in second place was Hot Tamales followed by Snickers in third place.

Over 172 million Americans celebrate Halloween each year, with about 96 percent of them purchasing candy. The average American spending about $30.40 on Halloween candy each season. In 2022, it is expected that about $3.1 billion will be spent on Halloween candy alone.

What do you do with all of your leftover Halloween candy? If there is any candy left over at all, that is.

About 50 percent of Americans stash some candy away to enjoy later in the year. The other 50 percent either get rid of it or eat it all before the holiday is over.

The full spooky season study can be found on Candy Store's website.

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