The Perfect Buddy The Elf Stocking Stuffer

This will be the perfect stocking stuffer for my Mom. Will Ferrell movies are her all time favorite and I know she is someone who would really appreciate this as a gift.

WhenElforiginally hit cinemas in 2003, I don’t think anyone really anticipated it becoming a beloved holiday classic — but more than a decade and a half later, it’s proven to have a remarkable amount of staying power. As such, is itreallythat surprising that aBuddy The Elf candlecan be yours now? No. No, it is not. Brought to us byEtsy seller I Heart Pop Candles, this long-burning soy candle smells exactly like Christmas cookies — and I’m sure I’m not the only one who is emphatically Here For It. Why stop at aBuddy The Elf holiday wreath? You’re going to need something to light your way from the front door to the Christmas tree, after all.

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