Before you choose a side in the war of Pickles Versus Bread, here's the situation: asreported by Cosmopolitan, arestaurant called Elsie'sin Haddon Township, New Jersey has declared its intentions to swap out its breaded sandwiches with pickles — which is why your eyes are about to behold the glory of what a giant pickle looks like when it is strategically stuffed to the gills with deli meat. (What a time to be alive.) Elsie's calls the gargantuan green creation Elsie's Signature Pickle Sandwich. It involves an enormous kosher pickle — you can get it in Original or Spicy — that is split down the middle, and then filled with meats like corned beef, roast beef, turkey breast, domestic ham, and salami; cheeses that include swiss, provolone, and American; and even the options of crushed chips (hello), Sriracha mayo (HI), and wasabi mayo (GOOD DAY!!!!).