Tino Cochino Radio

Tino Cochino Radio

Tino Cochino Radio is the fastest growing radio show in the country currently airing in 65+ cities. The cast includes Tino Cochino, Serina Perez,...Full Bio


Krispy Kreme Giving Out Free Glazed Doughnuts Today

Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnuts half dozen

Photo: Getty Images

Make sure you get out and vote today!!

And to celebrate Election Day, Krispy Kreme is handing out free original glazed donuts to EVERYONE on Nov. 8th.

No purchase is necessary and you don't even need to show proof that you voted.

"A healthy, vibrant democracy depends on engaged citizens who vote. We're happy to celebrate voters and our democracy by giving everyone a free original glazed donut on Election Day," said Krispy Kreme global chief brand officer Dave Skena in a statement."So cast your vote and stop by; you deserve our sweet thanks."

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