Tino Cochino Radio

Tino Cochino Radio

Tino Cochino Radio is the fastest growing radio show in the country currently airing in 65+ cities. The cast includes Tino Cochino, Serina Perez,...Biografía completa


Highlanders Boxing Club Offers Youth More Than Boxing in Highland

Upper part ob red punching boxing bag with chains closeup

Foto: Getty Images

The Highlanders Boxing Club is helping shape the youth and building stronger community relationship. So before kids are even able to put on gloves and hit the bags they have to participate in classes and social services.

Many of the kids who go to the club, come in with challenges and some are recommended through the probation department. The Highlanders Boxing club are having an event this Saturday and for more informations here's the contact information:

909-496-0710 or http://www.highlandersboxingclub.org/

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